I freely admit that the NBA probably ranks 5th or 6th on my 'MUST WATCH' scale but this Bulls/Celtics series is FANtastic. You have Ray Allen dropping in 3's like he did back in his Milwaukee days, Ben Gordon and Derrick Rose have been absolutely amazing. Yesterday's double overtime game was one of the better games I've seen in a long time, this whole series has been entertaining.....Game 7 will be Saturday night better go ahead and clear your schedules now.

The NHL playoffs have been even more entertaining. We have 2 game 7's tomorrow night so my boys OV-1 and Brind'Amour better show up. I haven't had Yuengling in a real long time so I need you boys to pull these series' out for me. One more thing...can I give you some advice Mr. Tortorella? It's probably not a good idea to bench one of your players for playing 'undisciplined hockey' and then turn around and throw water bottles and threaten fans with a stick. Not the best way to gain the respect of your players. I'm not talking about my Flyers except to say if you blow a 3-0 lead in the first period of the playoffs you deserve to be sent home for the summer. UN-FREAKING-BELIEVABLE! I don't think my blood pressure returned to a normal level until Sunday morning.
The Yanks/Sox? I'll be honest and tell you I didn't watch a single pitch in the series. So I only have 2 things to say about it: Doesn't matter if it's April, August, or October....a sweep of the Yankees is always enjoyable...and Jacoby I salute you! Not only did you legitimately steal home plate but tripping into your head first slide was an instant classic!

I can't explain it......I know that the NFL Draft is one of the most over-hyped events of the year. Of the 256 players drafted every year how many of these guys actually become stars? Maybe 10? 15 at the most. How many even stay in the league longer than 2 years? And what do I every year when the draft starts? I sit there and watch the whole thing.....I can't explain it I just keep watching and watching and watching. We can try and talk about who had a great draft and who had a bad draft but lets be honest.....there is not one person on the planet that truely knows. Talk to me 3 years from now and we can discuss who had a good draft.
I told you Friday and I know none of you listened. The race at Talladega is a can't miss race...even if you watch the last hour you won't regret it. And could we stop the complaining about how it's unsafe and the fans are in danger at this track. They are going 205 MPH.....of course it's not safe. The same people that complain about NASCAR crashes are the same ones that want to remove fighting from hockey. Listen people it is one of the reasons we watch so cut the shit!
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