Not really sure if we are back or not...
I am not the most tech savvy guy but I am savvy enough to be a little bit dangerous
This is what I learned this weekend
A fun way of chatting about drunk weekends with friends. If you have any question/comments for the mailbag send them along to
Not really sure if we are back or not...
I am not the most tech savvy guy but I am savvy enough to be a little bit dangerous
This is what I learned this weekend
It appears as though my website has been hacked?
Every time I type I get asked to purchase it.
HMMM Lets see what we can do about it
Are we almost back to normal? My rumor guy (Chris Leaden) said he heard from his guy at the local Taco Bell that Baker is gonna drop a bomb shell and re-open the state on Friday May 28th, fingers crossed.
This is what I learned this weekend:
1. When does TK start going to Weymouth Wildcats games?
2. Who knew I would love Detroit style pizza so much.
3. I realized Sunday that I have no clue where Watertown is.
4. So we aren't having a spring season anymore? Straight to summer.
5. Hopefully you guys connected with Leaden on what sides to bring for his cookout/housewarming party on June 19th.
6. We all decided that hot body summer starts in 2022 right?
7. The Cape apparently opened up early this season. A fucking 35 minute wait at the 99 is crazy to me.
8. Paul's Pit stop is opening in Quincy, hope they have decent BBQ.
9. You don't say your car is topless, you say them titties is out - its top down Jeep season.
10. New sneakers are always better when they fit right away.
11. Holy Communion parties mean getting lit, am I right?
12. 18 packs are pretty much what anyone should be rolling somewhere with - 6 is not enough, 12 would be sufficient but if someone starts drinking em you are back down to 6, and 18 seems like the perfect mix.
Congrats to Chris Leaden on his job promotion. Guess next time drinks are on him.
This is what I learned this weekend:
1. Random Thursday Sox games are made for day drinking.
2. There has been a Smiddy sighting.
3. The cape house is officially listed on New England Vacation Rental.
4. Saturday overnights are not my cup of tea, overnights in general to be honest.
5. I think there is a race to see who has a house warming party first - TK in his new Weymo apartment or Chris at his Bridgewater house.
6. I love when people ask me if I need $20 for a hair cut.
7. Don't look now but the Boston Herald is running another Methadone Mile story.
8. Old folks love the 99 Restaurant. LIKE FUCKING LOVE IT!
9. Speaking of old folks, one of the worst things is the older you get the less sleep you actually get.
10. I don't really understand people who have FOMO.
11. Will this housing market crash or at the least bit slow down? Tks looking for a condo and he cant get in at these rates.
12. Smartfood is underrated in the snack game.
People out here hating on the Justin Timberlake its gonna be May meme...what the fuck!
This is what I learned this weekend:
1. Fowler House, just out there acting like Covid ain't a thing with their 40th anniversary party.
2. Watch out for the ticks this season. They seem to be out and in abundance.
3. Still waiting on Leaden's house warming/cookout date.
4. You didn't hear this from me but Jeffreys pool is open.
5. Cape house should be officially this weekend.
6. August 1st is looking like the day I can cut my hair and donate it.
7. After waiting almost a year to see it, Tenet sucked.
8. Is there a certain age when guys wearing Scali caps just say NOPE this doesn't work for me (yeah I didn't think so)?
9. TK is moving this week if you guys are around Thursday and Friday.
10. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Doge coin what does it all mean.
11. You know I love day Red Sox games - there is one Thursday.
12. Do we think Charlie Baker will move the mass reopening up or back?