Wednesday, February 5, 2025


I won't apologize for not posting yesterday. Christopher Michael Leaden was supposed to be the surprise guest writer this week but he flaked and "got too busy".

This is what I learned since last week:

1. Leaden is all talk.

2. Chrissy is not going to speak to his 11 year old again until she turns 14. Guess she gets a little e-e-e-emotional.

3. I know that its the middle of winter but people lose their mind with the mention of the word snow.

4. Martell's party is still on, Karen hasn't cancelled it yet.

5. Why is there another Jurassic Park movie coming out? 6 wasn't enough?

6. Sometimes you smoke the casino and other times you get smoked.

7. You prefer the Night Agent series or The Recruit? (both on Netflix)

8. Are the Bruins going to make the playoffs.

9. How did all but 1 representative from Mass vote against the Laken Riley act? HOW?

10. Would you get an old tattoo covered up or lasered off? 

11. TK doesn't go to the Next Page on Friday or Saturday nights because there is nothing but fights and people getting banned.

12. Marios B Fit challenge was a where the 21 Sun Cruisers he had after.

13. Massport Fire is hiring.

14.Top 5 Sandwich places - in NO Particular order (depending on what you want for a meal)- Table Mercarto, New Deal Fruits, Sam Lagrassas, Monica Mercato, and Bricco Salumeria. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

I apologize

 I would like to apologize for not posting last week and being late this week. Between these bitterly cold days and training a new guy, I have been a bit behind the 8 ball!  That being said...

This is what I learned while away:

1. Its square season boys and girls. If you have any leads on any squares hit me up.

2. Lukey is at Blasis on Thursday and Friday nights and all day Sunday. Oh and if you are at L street on a Saturday he is there as well.

3. Encore is now upgrading us to suites.

4. Brian McKnight is playing at Twinnies on Feb case you fellas need a panty dropper for Valentines day.

5. Mario is doing the B Fit challenge again. Donate here!

6. Looking to start a new pub crawl...any ideas? Whens a good time? what for?

7. Has anyone been to Milwaukee? Anyone want to go out for a Brewers game this summer?

8. Don't forget Joe and Karen are having their annual Super Bowl party.

9. Man the Bruins and Celtics stink right now.

10. Chrissy will be unsupervised from Feb 15th to the 18th...if you are looking to party.

11. The new version of words with friends stinks!

12. Mumble rap is gross as fuck.

Hi Sean

Hi Leaden

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

New year

We took the Holidays off. We are starting off on the right foot. We are going to try to update on Tuesdays going forward. Mondays just seem busy and chaotic.

This is what I learned while away from the internet for a few weeks:

1. People are just out here raw dogging sleep. Falling asleep on a seconds notice when given a small time frame.

2. Everyone is sick and under the weather.

3. Sometimes you can get hot at the casino and win some money.

4. Chrissy is thinking of starting an OF account...hopefully you guys will subscribe and support him.

5. Do you drive with your jacket/coat zipped up? I never do and apparently I am the psycho.

6. Do you call them blankets or covers? 

7. Fantasy football is over - I won 1 league, came in 2nd in another and finished 9th 2.9 points from having to wear a dress.

8. Next years draft is going to be in Vegas. If you want to see Chrissy in a dress and possible accosted see ya August 23rd.

9. After taking a few years off I am back playing words with friends. Man are there some ads now a days.

10. As you may know January 1st is one of my top 5 days to drink during the year. Nothing like starting the year off right.

11. Thanks for all the birthday love -  47 is a wild age, you wake up everyday and something new cracks or creaks.

12. I hope your Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Festivus were all great.

13. Those IG ads are all basically scams.

14. I plan to renovate my 1st floor this spring if you know any contractors let me know.

15. Can anyone explain to me why Dunks charges $4.50 for cold brew and $3.75 for iced coffee?

16. How does the Boston Herald make any money when they offer the paper for $1 for the year.

Hi Sean Riccio!!  Hope you make it up to Boston or us down to RI for some beers.

Monday, December 16, 2024


 I am a nerd. I just spent most of the day talking about 80's cartoons, comics, sci-fi and everything else under the sun.

This is what I learned this weekend:

1. I guess the fact I don't use ice in my water makes me odd. THATS WHAT PUT ME OVER THE EDGE?

2. Hope you guys have your shopping done. It is going to be single digits this weekend. No one wants to go out for that.

3. Have you had the chicken cutlet sandwich from Table? I may have asked that before but god damn does it scratch all itches.

4. If anyone is looking for a Xmas gift. I have 2 Sox games from a pack - Friday May 2nd or Tuesday May 20th - Pavilion Box 13 row A. Let me know.

5. The Hoffy Xmas party is Friday, hope you can make it.

6. I know I am slow to watch it but Silo on Apple + TV seems very similar to Fall out.

7. Wait, I am the only person who knows who I would play me in a movie? You guys never think of that?

8. These next few weeks are going to be a vortex of chaos with no one actually having the energy to work.

9. If Jeffrey says he is stopping in the 99 for a drink and he will meet you out...he wont make it.

10. I saw Welchie this Saturday and he always puts a smile on my face.

11. I finally saw Mike Foley out without a hat on and he has given up on his comb over.

12. Only 12 more shopping days till my birthday.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

2 Weeks

Hope you have all your shopping done. Christmas is only 2 weeks away...17 days till my 47th birthday, on a Saturday No less!!

This is what I learned this past week or so:

1. TK and Joey are gonna move in together when Joe gets thrown out of 33 Homer rd...a modern day Odd Couple.

2. Little kids are petri dishes of sickness - snot and coughing everywhere.

3. Home made brownies with mini hershey cars are a game changer.

4. I am sorry but I am all turkey'd out.

5. I have no idea who is running the Fowler house IG page but man it makes me laugh with the captions. VIBES!

6. After 14 straight weeks I have finally opened up the basement door in fantasy football. I still may need to borrow a dress.

7. If Christmas music doesn't get you in a good mood are you even alive?

8. Rachel Rollins speaking out on Tania Fernandes Anderson federal indictment is bonkers to me. Basically making stealing from tax payers a race issue?

9. I am not the only person who does an order pick up at Total wine am I?

10. Why do we accept Dunkin Donuts? I mean it is the most inconsistent coffee on the planet. Are we getting watery coffee? Burned coffee? Just right coffee? I mean what in the actual fuck.

11. Have you guys had the sandwiches from Table Mercarto? I suggest the Roman add a cutlet,

12. Star Wars new show Skeleton Crew feels very much like Space Goonies.

Just a quick 12 pack for the ho-ho-holiday season!

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Durr... I didn't forget

Last week was a short week with holidays and everyone coming and going. That is why I didn't post. Hell I didn't get back to work until this morning.

This is what I learned while away:

1. Congrats to Paddy  - his lady is preggers. Derek is NOT a good name for a lady. (oh wait maybe you will wait for them to pick their gender then its a fabulous name).

2. No one loves Thanksgiving as much as Christopher Leaden. Taking 2 days off just to prep.

3. The touch screens in new cars now a days are getting wayyyyy to fucking large. 

4. In what I can only call bitter sweet, we have sold the Cape house. It wasn't renting the past 2 years like it was the first 2. It was costing us over much more to operate than it was bringing in. Also, people disrespect all your shit when they rent.

5. Chrissy survived Florida. Not sure if it will be an annual thing going forward or not.

6. I heard a rumor TK is looking for a new car. Maybe a small truck. 

7. Don't forget Mario's coat drive for Saugus Fire is this Thursday at 7pm.

8. I have moved on from Draftys to MGM bet.

9. A tooth ache as an adult is debilitating.

10. Dune Prophecy really isn't cutting it for me. I mean we are 3 episodes in and I feel like nothing has been accomplished.

11. Man once your algorithm on IG is fucked up it is hard to get on track. Bro I already bought the car I don't need to see deals anymore. 

12. Anyone have one of the handheld cordless Dyson's? I need some feedback if they are worth it or not.

13. My neighbor is moving out at the end of month. His parents will be putting 21 Poplar Rd on the market if you know anyone looking for a place in Quincy. We can share driveways.

14. Heard Nissan is looking for investors, they are 14 months from going under. Anyone want to throw up $20?

15. Christmas is 3 weeks away. I am a large in 36 packs of Coors Lights.

16. Celtics are on fire, the Bruins may have righted their ship, The Patriots look to have a QB of the future and the Sox are in on everyone else.

17. You guys hear from Welchie? Think the kids been ducking me.

18. SEC championship game is Saturday at 4pm - hope to meet up with some of you. Go Dawgs!

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Ha ha ha

 You guys thought I forgot? I didn't, just a lil bit busy with getting my broken tooth fixed and looking for a dress when I finished last in fantasy football.

This is what I learned this weekend:

1. I would probably fade me for the rest of 2024.

2. Have you watched Cross on Amazon yet?

3. UFC > boxing. I said it, and I meant it.

4. I am with the olds on this - GIVE ME A FUCKING MENU! I don't want a fucking QR code to view your shit.

5. After a weekend of drinking its really impressive how orange your piss can be.

6. My Irish whisper only gets louder the more beers you feed me.

7. Bring on this fucking rain! Blue Hills is burning down and I heard Granite Links is looking to acquire another 42 acres for another course.

8. Yes people, Chris Leaden is still at the Charlie Horse twice a month. Stop in!

9. I am sure you heard Chrissy and his fam are heading to Naples for Thanksgiving. Starting new traditions and shit. Guess he has a road trip to the casino booked with his father in law. I already gave him 50 for 22 Black!

10. I know I ask every year but do we celebrate Happy Honda days or Toyotathon? I always say the wrong thing and feel like a scum bag.

11. Be on the look out for Sean Riccio coming up this way to do some Xmas shopping and drinking.

12. Just be known if you send me a Tik Tok I am not watching it, I am not downloading it and I dont give a shit. No matter what you say that makes you think that I will change my mind...I won't.

13. I have whatever is the exact opposite of FOMO is.

14. Besides Mardi Gras does anyone know another time to head to the Big Easy?

Tuesday, November 12, 2024


This is the quickest year that I can remember. There are only 7 more weeks until 2025.

This is what I learned since last week:

1. Are we taking over under bets on if Martell will be employed by January 1?

2. Has anyone seen Justin? That kids MIA!

3. Korean Beef Bulgogi!

4. I am seeing on social media people cancelling Thanksgiving and Xmas because their family's may have voted differently than each other. WHAT!! We cancelling family events because someone has a different political opinion. Grow the fuck up.

5. Apparently Florida is the IT place this Thanksgiving - Chrissy and his fam, Jeffrey and his fam all going to visit in-laws.

6. We still playing Wordle or is that done?

7. Not to get all is a hot dog a sandwich but Pot Pie is just baked soup with a crusty lid.

8. Love to see Mother Nature is back on her bullshit - 80 one day 30 the next. Like a drunk aunt at the cookout.

9. Why can't socks always feel like they are freshly out the package? I hit the lottery new socks every day and then donate them.

10. Chris Leaden says it is time to start up flannel Fridays. Its always the 1st Friday after Veterans day. Who knew?

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Yes I waited

 I purposely waited to post on ELECTION DAY. Just so I could remind you fools to get out there and vote, particularly against Warren.

This is what I learned this weekend:

1. Chris Leaden hated the first Gladiator movie and doesn't care much that they made a second one.

2. Carson Beck and Georgia are towing that fraud line. 

3. The Rich Shertenlieb show didn't last long, huh?

4. Martell seems to be MIA, maybe hes finally back to work?

5. Prayers up for Billy Gaudet and Pat Murphy who just recently both got released from the hospital.

6. Is Covid still a thing? Asking because I don't seem to hear much about it any more.

7. Remember back in the day when you could have a civil conversation with someone and have differing views but still remain friends? Yeah now not so much.

8. Why does it seem that every place is adding a spicy vodka sauce to their menu? 

9. I finally got around to watching the Fall Guy movie. I thought there would be a bit of nostalgia because I loved the Lee Majors show. NAHHHH, I mean it was alright.

10. In case you guys didn't know this Chrissy is the self proclaimed king of soups.

11. They say guys over 40 - either start talking about WW2 or smoking meats. What the fuck?

12. The Hard Arizona Iced Teas are not for me. They have a weird after taste and are instant heart burn.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Little sad

 I did not see anyone dressed up this weekend for Halloween at any bars. Pretty sad - sad panda whitley.

This is what I learned this weekend:

1. I was geared up for the apple cider donut from Dunks and that shit was straight trash!

2. Never ceases to amaze me that Martell goes incognito and unresponsive to calls and texts for days at a time.

3. Leaden, Layden and MacPhail all met up and it sounds like a Law Firm.

4. The Worlds Largest Outdoor Cocktail party is this Saturday at 3:30...see you at the bar.

5. It is amazing to me in 2024 that someone does not know how to use a Nest thermostat.

6. Bronny James to the G league? Like there is anyone in the world that is surprised by that?

7. I see people sending memes of Arron Judge when they are asked what time they are showing up or meeting up. I didn't get it at first but I guess it means I ain't showing up just like Judge hasn't for any of these playoff games.

8. One of the betting caveats I have is never betting against the Armed forces. Sorry Navy you got your doors blown off.

9. BBQ chicken pizza is better than Buffalo chicken pizza. I said what I said.

10. Holy Shit Jaden Daniels - I could watch that hail Mary all day every day.

11. Carlos Sepulveda is alive and well.

12. People losing their minds over the Pats winning against the Jets...bro come on. Rodgers is washed as they come.

13. This weather is awesome - 79 one day 35 the next and later this week it will be 72, 78 and 66.

14. Dominos sending free emergency pizzas out is also nuts. There is no way they are not a drug front.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Life happens

 Sorry my dudes, life happens.

This is what I learned while away:

1.The Celtics have raised banner 18.

2. Next Monday is the holy grail of sports betting - MLB, NBA, NFL and NHL. A wet dream if you will.

3. Ever randomly crack a tooth? Yeah it is wild.

4. Wait Best Buy is still a thing? They sent me a $10 gift card.

5.  This weather is nuts, fucking 80 in late October?

6. Thinking about bringing back the Yankee regift party this year.

7. You guys see any sales for plus size dresses let me know. Every week I fall deeper and deeper into last place.

8. Today is free slider day at Dave hot chicken...get yours while they last.

9. Does anyone really give 2 flying fucks about Lebron playing with his son?

10. Chris Leaden is trying to get a bunch of people out together for some beers but everyone's schedule doesn't line up.

11. Two people on my street are having a politic off - Harris sign, Trump sign, A second Harris Walz sign, waiting on the Next Trump sign. 

12.  Andre Reed has a Bills Mafia documentary coming out.

13. Georgia beat Texas and now sit at #2 on the season. This 12 team end of year tournament is going to be wild.

14. If you are having a Halloween costume party please do not invite me. I am 46 and not dressing up.

15. Chrissy daughter tried to do her best Evel Knievel impersonation but ended up more like Super Dave Osborn.

16. If you haven't been watching the Penguin then you are truly missing out.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Spooky season

 People seem to be decorating their homes more and more for the Halloween season.

This is what I learned this weekend(quick 12 pack edition):

1. Taco Bell has brought back the double decker taco for a limited time.

2. Over 2 months to get an appointment for an eye exam? Everyone all of a sudden going blind?

3. I heard that Stop and Shop are going to stop charging the $.10 for bags.

4. If you know of anyone selling a good used car cheap, Hit up Chris Leaden. He is looking for one.

5. If you were wondering, Mark Welch is alive and well. Heard he has his eye on Jason Foley's 'Vette.

6. Today is Joe Martell's birth day. If you see him at the Hoffy grab him a beer.

7. Chrissy survived 4 days of being Mr. Mom. No one got hurt and everyone is in good spirits.

8. How is it we have no FEMA money for people in NC or Florida but we have money for Lebanon? We find that in the couch cushions?

9. The Quincy YMCA is already big and now they are planning on an expansion?

10. Swayman signs an 8 year deal and opening night is tomorrow. Prayers up the Bruins season is better than the Patriots.

11. It is pretty wild that the Red Sox are the cheapest ticket in town. Mediocrity at it's best.

12. The Irish Pub in North Quincy is an old school cash only Star Wars type of bar but the food is dirt cheap. Not sure how they are making any money from that.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

I was waiting

 Till October first to post (also Sean Riccio bullied me but that's besides the point).

This is what I learned while away:

1. People hate Georgia more than I thought. That Bama/Georgia game was one for the ages.

2.  Mia Khalifa on Only fans now? 

3. If you need any Bruins tickets - Let Mario know. He is selling almost all his games this year.

4. Been a blood bath lately with Pete Rose and Dikembe. Keep your head on a swivel.

5. Looks like real estate in Florida and NC is going to be cheap soon.

6. There has been a Smiddy sighting. Out and about at a bar and happy in love.

7. Does anyone actually answer their cell phone? Or does it go to voicemail and you text them back like an adult?

8. The Hancock Tavern has underrated bar food.

9. 4 weeks is the fastest I have seen a suicide pool end.

10. Shocker that Chris Sale couldn't pitch in a meaningful Braves game.

11. TK is not a huge Mexican food guy but I introduced him to changer.

12. We are going on a year and still no replacement for Dan at work.

13. People acting like the Red Sox being in the playoff hunt till the last week of the season is some major accomplishment. You are the fucking Red Sox - charging the most per ticket, per beer, and you just want to be mediocre.

14. Don't forget Chrissys Bday is this Wednesday and Joey's is next week. 

15. Speaking of Chrissy don't bother him Thursday through Sunday. He is on daddy duty and can't be bothered with distractions.

16. I am having the exact opposite of luck when it comes to fantasy football this year. I have started dieting hard so I can look good in my dress at next years draft.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


 Maybe I should start a go fund me to get a wedding gown to wear to Vegas when I finish last in fantasy football.

This is what I learned this weekend:

1. I am already sick of Jason Kelce. 

2. Martell says he is no longer drinking during the week...believe it when I see it.

3. The knockout/suicide NFL pool is already down to 19 people.

4. Steve Boyce is on a heater still. Keno doesn't stand a chance.

5. Mikey T is looking for someone who works on Buderus boilers. You know anyone? Hit him up.

6. The Hancock Tavern - you either like it or you hate it. I am in the like it boat.

7. Chrissy is going to have a season ending bash up at his camp ground if you are interested. Hit him up.

8. How the fuck is an appointment for an eye exam over 2 months out? 

9. Fuck LED head lights on cars.

10. The count down to TK's retirement is under way. Only 356  days left!

11. Jeffrey is back coaching the Hull football team. 

12.  Who is going to Pearl Jam tonight at Fenway? Look for Chris Leaden in his ripped jeans, flannel and Ten t-shirt.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Back Baby!

 I survived Atlanta, barely. But I am back and ready to rock and roll.

This is what I learned while on vacation:

1. The Claremont Lounge still slaps!!

2. Clemson vs Georgia was a great game. One of the best in person events.

3. Happy Birthday to Tom Kelly and Steve Whitley - 2 legends born 2 days apart.

4. I have a ton of grays/white hair, so it pains me to have my 1st gray eye brow hair.

5. Went to my first Costco ever! Straight fire and better than BJ's!

6. Another year and I am out on week 1 of the suicide pool.

7. Single ply toilet paper is no way to live.

8. Joe Martell is made for power washing - 2 and half hours one day then 4 the next. Zero complaints!

9. Totally normal for a dude to be running Wolly beach nude on a Saturday morning.

10. I have never said this before but after week 1 I may have to start shopping for a dress for Fantasy football. 

11. Vacation always feels like a great time to recharge your batteries...until its actually time to recharge.

12. Nothing screams getting old than your hamstrings hurting for 3 days after lifting something.

13. I have never been to the Big E but I heard nothing but great things.

14. Fall is less than 2 weeks away.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Tuesday is the new Black

 So it appears that Tuesday is the new Monday when it comes to blogging. Here we are.

This is what I learned this past week:

1. People were not happy that Chrissy didn't show up in a dress, even though he paid the $100.

2. Is preheating your oven a scam? Like why aren't we just putting the food into the oven as it heats up? 

3. Surprisingly Big Mac Pizza is not that good - the lettuce wilts, the sauce is too much and eventually its a mushy mess in your mouth.

4. No one is hotter than Boyce with the Keno.

5. I am finally getting around to watching Bosch on Prime and so far so good.

6. I have been crushing the Liquid IV's for no real reason than I like the flavor.

7. How many fantasy teams is too many fantasy teams? Asking for a friend.

8. Joe Martell told me he plans only to drink on the weekends going forward.

9. Hey Uber Eats maybe you stop being so stingy with the coupons.

10. ...And just like that summer was over and Pumpkin spice was everywhere.

11. Schools are back in session starting this week and I would be livid at having to be back before Labor day.

12. I will be in Georgia this weekend for the Georgia #1 vs Clemson #14 game. It feels good to have football back.

See you guys in 2 weeks.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Holy Moly

 It took a few weeks for people to realize that I hadn't posted. Some said I better be on vacation while others were just busy with their own lives. The truth is I was just being lazy - Nothing more, nothing less.

This is what I learned the past few weeks:

1. I have gone to the dark side and officially only drink black coffee. The one week experiment is a full send.

2. Yeah I am sorry but Zach Bryan does not do it for me. I do not see it.

3. While we are on the subject of country music - Kelly Clarkson was just Taylor Swift before Taylor. Same type of music and songs just not as attractive.

4. You guys know what weekend is coming up...Fantasy football weekend. Unfortunately, Chrissy will not be showing up in his dress because he is going to Chesney at Gillette.

5. I have no idea how people work the overnight shift. All I do is snack on that shift. Bored - snack. Reading something - snack. Watching a video - snack. Its like a huge snack hole.

6. So Summer starts in early June now and Fall in mid August? Why the fuck is it getting into the 50's at night?

7. TK is 13 months away from retirement. Can't wait for that party at the Eagles.

8. I am not one to talk politics but how the fuck did we go from no one likes Kamala to her all of a sudden being so far ahead in the pols. I feel like the US as a whole is being gas lit.

9. Drunk swimming is back in Boston. How can you say there is no serial murderer in the city? The last thing I ever want to do when I am bombed is go swimming.

10. Anyone hear from Chris Leaden? Tried to meet up a few times for brews but he always (wink wink) busy. Maybe hes secretly on the wagon.

11. The Summer of Steve Boyce is alive and kicking. Dude worked 4 days in July...four fucking days,

12. Cafe Patron is heading back to the shelves and I could not be more excited. I always loved that chilled!

13. What are we doing with Drake Maye? The Pats are not winning more than 4 games so just play the kid and let him learn.

14. Yes even though we live in a digital age, I still buy a fantasy football magazine every year.

15. It is insane to me that beers are $5 minimum at every bar.

16. Hey Encore thanks for the free cruise but if you know me that would NEVER EVER HAPPEN.

17. College football is kicking off this Saturday and all is right with the world. Go Dawgs...see ya next Saturday.

18. Its amazing to me that basically a new car is $50K for a decent whip.

Hi Sean Riccio!

Monday, July 29, 2024

Summers over

 Its fucking August on Thursday! Hope you enjoyed what little summer we had.

This is what I learned this weekend:

1. Sox season is over - are they sellers or buyers?

2. Kenny Blasi passed away unexpectedly last week. RIP!

3. Deadpool and Wolverine was pretty kick ass. Highly recommend.

4. The beach is no fun when the winds whipping off the ocean.

5. I guess this is High Noon summer. Everyone out here rocking them.

6. 1 week down of drinking black iced coffee.

7. Glad to see the heat and humidity return this week - rain rain!

8. Nothing beat homemade pasta.

9. Getting older just means waking up with new aches, pains and cracks that you didn't have the day before.

10. Are we in for the Olympics? I mean I know I am. I heard the Australians hate the American swimmers! LETS FUCKING GO!

Monday, July 22, 2024

Monday Monday

Summer is flying by. We all of a sudden are Florida of the North East with these fucking 90 plus days. Now we are half way over with the year.

This is what I learned this week:

1. Going from vacation to 30 hours of OT ain't no fucking joke.

2. Why hire a caterer when you can invite Chris Leaden over to cook for your party?

3. Red Sox stink again.., at least that's what they tell me. 

4. Everyone knows I love Papa Gino's but these Papa melts...come on bro.

5. Chrissy is on vacation for 2 weeks - 1st week staycation, 2nd week traveling to PA and then camping. Kids living his best life.

6. I am sorry but I do not know who Noah Kahan is.

7. After the beach this weekend, I remembered why I don't remove my shirt to go in the water anymore. Sunburn city!

8. They are remaking - The running man and now a sequel to Trading Places in the works. No more new ideas huh?

9. No one does Cape Cod like the Welch's! Wrecked it again.

10. Is this mens Olympic team serious? Guess we find out today against Germany.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


So I return from Cape Cod, back to the city, which may or may not be the 7th level of Hell at this point. I don't ever remember it being this hot for so long.

This is what I learned while away:

1. Beverly Hills Cop 4 was a million times better than the 3rd one.

2. Another year no sharks sightings for me...whomp whomp whomp.

3. Kind bars are kind of meh.

4. The Acolyte has been underwhelming to say the least.

5. Julian's team didn't make it to Williamsport. Now he is on a team heading to Cooperstown.

6. You guys have anything to add to the care package that Chrissy is bringing to Tooma?

7. We are all looking forward to Deadpool and Wolverine, right?

8. Back it up, the Red Sox bandwagon was limited from the start of the season. There is no more room at the inn bitches.

9. Chris Leaden out here rocking and rolling racking up Keno win after Keno win.

10. Prime day is here. What are we buying?

11. I cannot remember it being this hot for this long. I mean can we just drop down to the 60's at night?

12. No matter what your political views are, you have to be pissed off someone tried to kill an American candidate running for president.

13. Mario has plenty of Bruins games available this season. Get your orders in early and pay the man his money.

14. Really Bronny James is worth 8 Million bucks? The dude couldn't hit water in he fell off a fucking boat.

15. Anejo is fire Mexican food - Both Hyannis and Falmouth. They are also opening a new location at the old Sam Diegos in Plymouth.

16. Spaceballs 2 is going to be lit!!