Tuesday, February 23, 2021

uh huh

Yes, I was off yesterday and yes I totally forgot to post.

That is on me!

This is what I learned recently:

1. Jason Foley is engaged.

2. The Seadog in Yarmouth was packed on a Sunday night. 

3. Fuck painting and especially fuck painting shiplap.

4. Oh by the way, Jason Foley may be going through a midlife crisis, since he is getting all tatted up.

5. Gas prices, AMIRIGHT? Looks like that $3.00 a gallon will be here by St. Pattys.

6. Leaden told me he heard we will be at herd immunity by April.

7.  I never knew how much people hated clowns. People's common hatred of clowns brings people together.

8. NYC is opening movie theaters to 25% capacity on March 5th. Hey maybe open up some restaurants.

9.  Looks like the stock market may be on a downturn.

10. Speaking of stocks - I am sick of all these pop up ads saying if you invested just $5,000 on this stock you would have 1 million by now. NO FUCKING SHIT! A. If I had $5,000 when Apple went public I would have been one rich baby.

11. So Mass is going to decriminalize drugs but then raise taxes on soda? Uhm K.

12. Who knew rental property management companies are so expensive.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Looky Looky

 Look whos working on a holiday...this guy!

This is what I learned this weekend:

1. Grown ass men still shove birthday cake in each others faces.

2. Have you ever heard of having to tell your landlord 60+ days out that you aren't renewing?

3. Leaden still on the prowl for a house.

4. Pretty sure I said I was not going to paint a house again after buying my house 10 years ago, guess I was lieing to myself.

5. Christian is looking to make moves from Ocean spray if you know of any job opportunities.

6. Speaking of moving, rumor has it Tk is gonna hang em up in 3 years and move to Florida.

7. Sundays are made for being lazy.

8. Just when it seems like Covid is on the downturn, it appears more people are getting it. 

9. The gas prices are cruising up again. Just broke $40 on a fill up for the first time in years.

10. Making homemade pizza dough is not all that hard.

11. Hope everyone had a nice Valentines day.

12. Coming up on a year without a haircut - now its just a matter of when I cut it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021


 A few years back when TK was all this hasn't been a bad winter and BLAM we got buried and there was snow piles up into May? I have a sneaking suspicion that is happening again. Global warming my ass,

This is what I learned this weekend:

1. That was one of the most boring Superbowls in recent memory.

2. Joe and Karen have a puppy now. Hope you guys like no sleep.

3. Venison ribs are pretty good.

4. Congrats to Brady and his 7th ring.

5. Kind of saddened to hear that kids are not into playing baseball anymore.

6. Don't forget to wish Welchie a happy birthday tomorrow and Jeffrey on Saturday.

7. Oh would ya look at that - snow today, snow Friday and maybe snow Saturday.

8. Another year and another loss in the squares game.

9. Waking up hours before your alarm clock sucks balls.

10. Good news Buffalo Wild Wings fans, they now have Keno.

11. Megabucks is over 8 million, just saying.

12. I had no idea the Weeknd had so many songs that I knew.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Well it is February

 That was the fastest January that I can remember. I mean last year it felt like January lasted 6 months and that was right before the pandemic hit.

This is what I learned this weekend:

1. I really fucking hate painting.

2. The Little Things was a waste of time. I was looking forward to it and they kind of wasted Jared Leto's performance.

3. Who is looking forward to this Superbowl? I think this is the most money I have thrown out there in squares.

4. Joey and Karen's dog is coming on Friday. 

5. Are we taking bets on if this groundhog sees his shadow?

6. Honey Dew donuts is underrated.

7. Mike Foley is alive. Saw him at Rags.

8. I hope everyone ran to the store for their eggs and milk. Nothing screams snow storm like french toast.

9. I wonder why Leaden didn't use Grillo for his real estate agent? Thought he was part of the Limoncello crew?

10. Chrissy is looking for a new job. I guess Ocean Spray is eliminating positions due to Covid.

11. When the draft beers are good then they hit good. When they aren't then you may as well drink puddle water.

12. Dont forget your Megabucks tickets 8.1 Mil.