So....on MTV last night there was a documentary about Britney Spears. I forced myself to stay up and watch it rather than through my DVR. From 9-10 MTV had Britney's top 10 MTV moments. As soon as i saw Britney I started to feel bad for her. She is just so lost and so sad and is just going through the motions in life. I know that she needed help it just seems like she is so lifeless and can't do anything that she wants. The documentary was overall good. She did mention on how sad she was when her and Justin broke up, and there were special appearances by JJ and Sean P. Britney's new album drops tomorrow and she also will be celebrating her 27th birthday!!
Hope everyone's Thanksgiving break was good. I did actually get to see Twilight in the movie theatre. It defiantly wasn't as good as the book but what movie is better than the book?
Over the holiday week Rosie O. had a variety special. She wanted it to be a bit of Ed Sullivanish...However the show tanked!! And has since been cancelled. Give it up ROISE!
I just read that Amy Winehouse's husband Blake wants a divorce. In the interview, Fielder-Civil, 26, admitted to introducing Winehouse, 25, to crack cocaine and self-injury. He said that Winehouse only smoked marijuana before he gave her hard drugs. He also described watching Winehouse have a seizure after an all-day binge. After talking to many therapists about the situation he has come to the understanding that they will not be good for one another!! ya think???
And last but not least...Heidi and Spencer tied the knot the other week! YUCK...Gross...but anywho. These two fame whores deserve each other. MTV caught the whole thing on video and it will be shown on the view.
heidi is a skank!
keep hating on heidi and spence you're all jealous and tell lauren conrad to shave her stache or go on whitleys crawl! ONE OF THE OTHER
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