Thursday, September 24, 2009


Mass. considers Fluffernutter for state sandwich

BOSTON -- The Fluffernutter could soon become the official sandwich of Massachusetts.

The sweet, gooey combination of peanut butter and Marshmallow Fluff has been a favorite of generations of New England school children.

In 2006, former state Sen. Jarrett Barrios attracted national attention when he tried to limit the servings of Fluffernutters in school lunch programs. The proposal was panned on talk radio.

The Fluffernutter is one of three foods to be considered for official state status during a legislative committee hearing Friday. The others are: Necco Wafers, as official state candy; and Charleston Chew, for candy bar.

Marshmallow Fluff was invented in Somerville and has been made in Lynn for 80 years.

Man this is some exciting shit here in Boston. It is about time that the MOTHERFUCKING FLUFFERNUTTER gets its proper due. Not any of that bullshit raspberry flavored Fluff either. Straight marshmallow spread – no gimmicks, no fillers, and no exceptions. Fluff makes everyone feel like a kid again.  I know right now there is some 94 year old grandmother, taking out her dentures, making some hot chocolate, about to fuck up a fluffernutter with her 5 year old grand children.  Later I am out to go make my own sandwich!


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