Monday, April 11, 2011


Opening day was a huge success as always(I did miss the fly over picture though).

This is what I learned this weekend:
1. You can have a wedding rehearsal dinner at the Baseball Tavern?
2. Inviting total random people to the 4th Annual Mustache Pub Crawl is always a blast.
3. Im not a golf guy but "its the fucking Masters bro" and the matches were good.
4. Did the Celtics just quit on the season?
5. The 1st really nice weekend of the year and everyone heads to Sullys at Castle Island.
6. Apparently there is much more to gardening than just planting stuff in the ground.
7. I see all these people trying to sneak onto the Bruins bangwagon with the Red Sox scuffling.
8. Old school college night pitchers with old friends is always a welcomed time.
9. Game On kinda sucks. They are always yelling at you to move from one place or another. Hey why dont you take the fucking tables out so people have a place to stand.
10. You can rent the visiting teams batting cages at Game On for special occasions during the offseason.
11. If you find a cell phone, it doesn't mean you can actually use it.
12. I love when people chat with you all day, via the text, make plans and then go MIA!
13. If you are wearing any teams hat or shirt you should be able to at least name a player on the team. I don't care if you are homeless.
14. Lindsay Lohans user name on Words with friends is Bella6126.
15. Lou Gorman day was just as good as John Brewer day.
16. The t shirts came in for the 4th Annual Mustache Pub crawl. They look awesome.

Feel free to leave any and all comments. If you have any suggestions for the blog or anything that you want to see on here.

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