Anyway…there is a mom and pop ice cream place no more than 200 yards from the Iggles Household. It was like a dream come true. Notice I said WAS! I walk into this place looking like a kid on Festivus Day morning….wide eyed and full of excitement at what the next 30 minutes will bring. I survey the scope of the land and order 3 scoops of strawberry ice cream with a fudge/caramel swirl. I’m in heaven (figure of speech remember I’m an Atheist). I watch the ice cream guy scoop up my ice cream while drool is forming at the corner of my mouth. Visions are swirling in my head of the nightly walk to the Ice Cream parlor to try the newest flavor. Man do I love ice cream. The ice cream guy hands me my scoops and I hand him my debit card.

So I hand over the ice cream and just walk out. Screw him…..if you can’t install a credit card machine then you should be out of business. I’m sad to say I haven’t been back to that place since and my ice cream cravings have yet to be satisfied. It was sad day in Iggleville when this happened.
I don't care if he had 3 ATM's inside the store. It's the principle of it.
Decaf Mr Iggles, I seriously think its decaf time !
couldnt agree with you more Mr Iggles i hate when places take cash only...one of many things that makes rio angry
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