Monday, August 25, 2014

Summers almost gone

The last week of August is always the shittiest. Its just a reminder that the summer is basically over and traffic will be back in full effect next week.

This is what I learned this weekend:
1. Timmy Barrett and his wife are having a baby girl in January. Congrats. I am taking January 11th in the pool.
2. I think Smiddy is still trying to make it to the draft.
3. A free Mavado watch is a nice score. Right Jeffrey?
4. I may be addicted to fantasy football drafts. I can not wait to draft for Rustys team. Then I am going to Marios draft Sunday night.
5. Ever want to just throat punch someone?
6. If you can give to help needy children down the cape
7. Go big or go home -

8. Scotty really hates the group texts. LIKE DEATH THREATS HATES.
9. I hate shopping. I never realized it until Friday night. I just like to buy things and move on. I don't need to be meandering around.
10. Jeffrey only wants hot dogs made of pork, beef and turkey. No all beef for that kid.
11. Officially off the Face Books. Me and Mark Welch just living off line.
12. Mario is closing on his house on Wednesday. Painting party to follow.
13. Miller High Life or Busch Light?
14. Legit question : do people still play board games?

Thats all I got.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Im back

We can just start with this lovely song:

Because lets face it, you all missed my my dumb ass ramblings.

This is what I learned while away from a computer for 2 weeks:
1. Still not missing FB and may actually deactivate my account. Its kind of like living off the social media grid. I now know how Bear Grylls feels.
2. Taking a 2 year old to the movies is not my best idea ever.
3. Fantasy football season is here. Already had 1 draft and can't wait for the next.
4. Is there anything better than a month with 5 pay days in it?
5. Pretty sure I put an Indian through college with all the money I dropped at Foxwoods.
6. Some people do some dumb shit when they are drunk. Maybe its funny at the time but man is it dumb.
7. Justin "Jaydisco" Brennick is selling his house if you know anyone interested in it:
8. I know that people are bitching about the Ice Bucket challenge, Thanks MikeyT for donating, but you can not bitch about the results: 16 million raised so far. Calnan have yet to see your video or receipt for a donation.
9. Rumor has it Mike Layden bought a NH summer vacation spot.
10. Mike Foley does not and will not attend any type of going away party.
11. Moving is not fun but moving in the rain is even less fun.
12. Have you ever thought someone was stronger was physically stronger than they actually were?
13. Congrats to my uncle Steven "Willie" Whitley on becoming a grandfather. Also congrats to my cousin Stevie Lee on her daughter Dylan.
14. Mario is closing next week on his first house. Cant wait for the 1st bash!! Drinking shoes are shined.
15. I tried the 2 ingredient banana pancakes. Pretty much the grossest thing ever. Tasted like banana flavored scramble eggs.
16. When is Calnan going to start stepping up his #sundayselfie game?
17. How come Riccio hasn't invited us up to his Hampton Beach Real world house? Are we not friends?
18. Speaking of Riccio, I don't know who gives me more shit for not updating the blog, him or Chrissy.
19. How can people bitch that it was 56 degrees this morning? I love the Fall weather.
20. ADSL fantasy football draft is this Saturday at 3:00 At the South Side tavern. Come on down for some laughs. Lets guess how many Patriots players Big Show drafts.
21. Cuddling with your brother is not the least bit weird, right? I mean no homo.
22. Is this Red Sox season over yet?
23. Can someone explain to me, in simple terms, what the fuck is going on in Ferguson? Calnan basically said that America is broken.
24. Jeffrey makes fun of me for still playing words with friends. Most likely because I don't have any friends.
25. How did you guys let me go so long rocking a goatee? I mean honestly I looked like a super douche in some pictures!!

Hope to see some of you in my drunken stupor on Saturday.

PS Has anyone heard or seen Supah P since he got hot and heavy with his new lady?

Monday, August 4, 2014

Summer summer summer

Its already August and the summer is almost done. That makes me a sad Panda. WHOMP WHOMP WHOMP!

This is what I learned this weekend:
1. Who would want to steal Paddy Calnans identity?
2. It is totally normal for a bartender to ask you if you are driving after having 17 beers, right?
3. Guardians of the Galaxy was awesome.
4. Why is it such a big deal when I don't wear a hat? I clean up ok.
5. Red Sox this and Red Sox that. They suck just get over it.
6. I have said it a million times, I do not understand why everyone gets all giddy about Patriots training camp but thank god football is back.
7. What is the deal with all this Ebola? I mean really should we be bringing that here.
8. Nothing worse than ripping one of your favorite pairs of underwear.
9. Everyday when I walk my dogs, I refuse to take my cell phone. Its the most quiet time of the day.
10. Being off Facebook is quite nice. It is great for the mind and the soul. Now if I could not check Twitter as much.
11. Derek's ding and dents moving company is looking to hire some part time summer help. Apply within.
12. Never again will I own 2 big ass dogs at the same time. I love em both but still uggh.
13. It is harder to cut cheese out than I thought it would be. I mean who wants a hamburger?
14. In grown hairs are by far the worst things out there. Especially in the neck area.
15. When you have lots and lots of shit on your mind and can not shut it off, is that a form of insanity?
16. If you don't like strawberry shortcake we can not be friends. Dead serious.
17. Who has a fantasy football draft at Foxwoods? Guess my other league is.
18. Is there a more freaky feeling than when your eye is twitching for no apparent reason?
19. Im debating giving up coffee? Good idea or bad?
20. When is everyone available to grab Fire and Ice for brunch?

You bitches know I am on vacation next week so I will do my best to update this thing.

PS when is Mike Foleys going away soiree?