Yeah yeah yeah I fucked up last week. I was busy as all hell on Monday and then I was in Baltimore the rest of the week for work so I just kept procrastinating updating the blog. Then I landed yesterday morning and after the 2 hours it took me to get to my house - NO FUCKING WAY!
This is what I learned while I was away:
1. I could never ever live in Florida, 90 degrees in October is not for me.
2. Hong Kong Dave is alive and looking like Adam Levine down in Bmore.
A $59 dollar steak is way better than anything from the Outback.
4. Don't worry Mario it is totally normal to be kicked out of a bar at the age of 36.
5. Rumor has it the annual trip to Barretts haunted house is Friday. If you are interested let Chrissy know.
6. If you are still in a suicide pool congrats.
7. Ever get random join the union mail? Well I did.
8. Looks like the Bruins are moving in the right direction.
9. You can tell a lot from someone over some causal beers.
10. What is everyone doing for the game Thursday night? We (Chris, Chrissy and I) are thinking Iron Furnace or Coops? Who is in?
11. I know salads are boring but if you get a bad salad then that can ruin your whole day/meal.
12. Are the Red Sox really selling Monster tickets for specific games in August already?
13. How come all of a sudden I am seeing all this new Mets garb people are wearing?
14. Awfully scary getting a call from your aunt that your uncle is dizzy and puking and they don't know why. Come to find out he is just another victim of BBD a.k.a Vertigo. Get well Willie!
15. Anyone need tickets to tonights Bs game? Mario is looking to unload his tickets.
16. I have given up raking up leaves and just pile them up and mulch them bitches up.
17. Congrats Mike Layden on your 3rd dog...just in time for your 4th child to be born.
18. We all know people at work who are just bad employees, great people but bad employees.
19. I love country fried steak.
20. Steak N shake is fucking legit.
21. $1.00 beer night or $2.00 bottle beer night need to happen in Boston.
22. If you owned a bar what would you name it? I think I am going with Running Erins Pub. That way when someone asks where you been...Running Erin's (runnin errands for you people who cant get it).
23. CVG may or may not have a love child?
Chuy's is a weird joint. Loved the food but man its eclectic.
25. Jet Blue is flying straight to Daytona Beach from JFK starting in November.
26. Chrissy and I are not the only ones who give out full candy bars on Halloween are we?
27. Anyone have any insight on any new phones? I am thinking about the Nexus 6?
28. If you nickname someone and they don't know that is what you call them, then is it really a nickname or are you making fun of them.
29. I am pretty sure I saw Mike Foley MORE when he was in NC than when he has returned.
30. I go away and come back and some one smashed my front wall. FUCKING RUDE!!
Sorry I was off last week but hey its a 30 pack of things!!