Monday, December 30, 2013

Year end

I am not one to make New Years Resolutions but can we all agree that we can try to be a little bit nicer this year? I will try to have more patience, be a bit nicer and try hard not to swear as much. I wish you all well on your resolutions.

This is what I learned this weekend:
1. When you see a black guy playing 3 $200 hands of black jack at the casino it may be Ty Law. Just saying.
2. Who needs fancy steaks at Fred and Steve's when you can have all you can eat KFC.
3. Lemon Pepper pork roast is fucking legit and I don't even like lemon flavored things that much.
4. I can understand how people stress out around the holidays, just get drunk. It makes it way easier.
5. How do you feel about January 11th as a Yankee regift swap/Patriots play off party? Sounds good right?
6. In case you didn't notice there is a count down till Dave and Doe come back from Baltimore. They said 2 years TOPS - Count down till December 31, 2015 is on. Only 730 days away.
7. Hey new boots, FUCK YOU!
8. I am surprised that more people don't know how busy the movies are on Christmas.
9. Hey Dunkins your coffee is getting really watered down lately. WHAT THE FUCK!
10. Brian Folan hates text message groups.
11. Everyone once and a while Jeffrey gets on 9 but he can't bounce back the next day.
12. Do not fuck around with Uncle Juicy.
13. Fantasy football is all done, now I can focus on my fantasy hockey team.
14. Screaming 2 and 3  year olds will make you never want to have children ever!

Till next year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Cooper, that was a nice piece done by Tuchman. It Yeezy Discount was about time that someone outside of the Rio Grande Valley exposed Cameron County Yeezy Boost 350 for what it is? This is a black eye to law New Jordan Shoes 2020 enforcement and the ones who actually do their job HONESTLY! I am sure that Livingston is in his home country of India.

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