A Des Moines man is being held without bond this morning at the Polk County Jail for allegedly assaulting a girlfriend with a slice of pizza.
When officers arrived at 808 19th St., shortly before 9:30 p.m. Sunday, they found Ron Reliford, 36, of Des Moines, sitting in a car outside.
A police report says, "Reliford said he used some pizza to smash into her face."
The victim, Deneen Kilby, 42, had redness around her neck and carpet burn on a knee, police said.
Officers said Kilby was "very upset," and told them Reliford choked her and said, "It only takes two minutes to choke a bitch."
Kilby managed to escape the assault, officers said. She called police from the residence of an apartment manager.
Reliford was charged with domestic assault causing injury.
When I read this all I could do was laugh. Not because getting a slice of pizza smashed into your face is funny but because he told the victim..."It only takes two minutes to choke a bitch". Was this dude upset that his old lady took him away from watching the Chappelle Show in order to go get some pizza? Plus this dude looks like a broke down Suge Knight.
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