Monday, September 30, 2019


Blink and you missed September. As Bill Belichick would say we are onto October.

This is what I learned this weekend:
1. Pumpkin everything...blah.
2. That makes 4 for children for me.
3. Is anyone else excited for sleeping with the windows open season?
4. Joe Martell and his lady are looking for a house to buy.
5. Fucking Hong Kong Dave had never had beef brisket before yesterday. Da fuq?
6. Some days just seem like they are 40 hours long.
7. The Red Sox season is over and now there is talk of slashing the payroll. I wonder if that means ticket prices will drop?
8. The Garden moved all their seats closer and squeezed in 400 seats.
9. Another year and I am out of the NFL elimination pool by week 4.
10. Do people still say durr? If not they should. Then again someone would be offended by it.
11. There should be no more lawn mowings for the season.
12. I'm debating getting new rims for my Jeep.
13. Toys for Tots koozies should be in this week.
14. What are you guys gonna be for Halloween?


Anonymous said...

My kids want me to be a dinosaur for Halloween. I guess they see me as a giant angry blow-hard that lumbers around the house striking fear into their innocent hearts.

Addison A said...

Good reading this post