Monday, April 8, 2019

Hate when that happens

I hate when I get a lame song stuck in my head. That fucking baby shark song will never not make me mad. Someone once told me the only way to get the song out of your head is to listen to it fully till it goes away. NOT FUCKING TRUE!

This is what I learned this weekend:
1. People are assholes.
2. Beer snobs love to make fun of you for drinking light beer. Listen Bitch, I'm trying to get a buzz here not taste the fucking rainbow.
3. Tootsie pops are still the shit.
4. Sleeping on your neck wrong can fuck up your whole day.
5. I am not the only one who starts the weekend on Thursdays.
6. Dealing with aging and sick dogs is never fun not non heart breaking.
7. This non friend food eating is something.
8. Lucy's in Dorchester is packed on a Sunday. Best nachos ever.
9. Who else is heading to the Sox opener tomorrow?
10. Soccer/yoga mom's get after it when it comes to margaritas and mixed drinks.
11. Rumor has it Joe Martells looking for a house again. If anyone knows of any.
12. Steve Sweeney, Mike Foleys bff, house is finally up after over a year.
13. Just letting you know there will be no post next weekend because of the marathon.
14. Insomnia is a mother of all mother fuckers.

I have some work to do so wish me well.

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