Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Ha ha

Fucking Spring is supposed to start tomorrow. Mother nature just straight blow jobbing us all.

This is what I learned this weekend:
1. Mother fuckers love to parade.
2. What kind of animal uses a trash barrel as a urinal?
3. No one gets as excited as I do to pet a pig.
4. Triple Frontier was a meh.
5. Dogs make people happy.
6. Can't wait for Cinco De Mayo.
7. There is a new Mexican restaurant opening in Weymouth - Ocho Cafe "Tacos and Tequila". What more do you need?
8. First time in a long time that I didn't get shit for not posting on a Monday.
9. Sausage peppers and onions are always a hit.
10. Some times you need a vacation from vacation.
11. Has anyone seen Chrissy?! Because the guy I saw on St Patrick's day looked like him but wasn't him.
12. Boston got nothing but love for IT - except Leaden.
13. RBF is real.
14. Anyone up for Providence this weekend? It's Star Wars day at the Providence B's game.

Ok I'm off to do some work.

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