Wednesday, January 2, 2013

TMX final review

Tmx season final review is in.

A season that was hotly contested coming down to the final week for the dress, beer bitch, and top three spots has come to an end!! 
There were 9 trades this year many of which with big names and big impacts only 2 teams didn't reach out and make a move, The Slippery Wizards and Villenz couldn't find a deal to make, everyone else either helped or in some cases hurt their team through trades. 

There were 188 transactions throughout the year with the waiver wire pickups helping teams who were injured or just plain making them better. The top pickups of the year coming in week two where the number 2 overall kicker Blair Walsh was grabbed and the number 4 overall rb Alfred Morris also grabbed that week. 

The winner this year was Sflabohfrw who took over from Dillonz Villenz in week 13 and held him off the rest of the way. The Villenz were cruising along all while preparing for the perfect wedding then immediately after the wedding the team started to fall!! Talk about the honeymoon being over!! Villenz was able to hold onto the 2nd place spot in the end so that was a positive. Beachbums and DTF fought til the final game for the 3rd place spot and going into the last game of the week both had a realistic shot at finishing in 2nd!! Beachbums held off DTF by 2.5 points to take the final money spot!! The dress wearer and beer bitch came down to the final week as well with the injury riddled  MFN "winning" the beer bitch slot over team Nutsaway who was an absentee owner this year. Nutsaway is the dress wearer and Tmx hopes he put more effort into the dress than he did the season! 
Starting two guys the final week who were declared out and winning the dress by only 49pts is bad!! Two time dress wearer it is for you Nutsaway!! 

The leading scorers for the year by position were Brees at qb; AP at rb ( who was traded during the season); Megatron (first wr taken) at wr; Graham te (first tight end taken) Gotskowski k; and the Bears D.

The All Iggles finished off a year in which we saw its first two losses with a week 17 beat down putting up 217 points. Four benched players scoring over 30 points in the final week seemed impossible giving the players being rested but it happened!!! Next year is right around the corner and there will be rule changes with the flex being added and possibly some new owners. Tmx has confirmed the rumor that DTF is in full negotiations to bring in a former member of the Deadbeat dads a one time ADSL champ and there is an unconfirmed rumor that team Smelchie is looking to get back in. 

There's no off season in fantasy football so get to scouting and see you next year. TMX out.