Monday, May 13, 2019

Snow? Really?

Fucking snow and sleet on May 13th? I used to think that Mother Nature was a drunk but now I feel like she may be a full blown alcoholic at this point.

This is what I learned while I was away:
1. Chrissy is almost back in the work force. He has an offer from Ocean Spray, so no more UTIs for that guy.
2. Jeffrey's and Sarah's daughter is now 2 weeks old.
3. Unexpected naps when you just fall asleep out of the blue are the best naps.
4. Good rum is hard to find, I'm not talking Captain Morgan's.
5. If you aren't driving 85 in Vermont are you even in Vermont?
6. People are going crazy with the Snapchat gender swap filter.
7. I see the Bruins bandwagon filled up nicely when the Celtics got bounced.
8. Happy 40th to Mario(even if it was last Friday)
9. Nothing worse than being black out drunk and learning you were a total ass.
10. Three weeks and no coffee. Surprisingly I don't miss it.
11. Kkaties in Quincy closed.
12. A bad haircut can really fuck up your day.
13. Rumor has it TK may be on the rebound soon, if you have any spinster aunt's hook him up.
14. The older you get the less sleep you get and things just hurt for no reason.

I gotta get, 464 emails from missing a week of work and all.


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