Monday, February 28, 2022

The world is going to hell

 in a hand basket and I just want to kick back with a 30 pack and watch.

This is what I learned this weekend:

1. TK runs on TK time. So Noon means 2 pm.

2. The old Hearth and Kettle in Weymouth is now Grill 151 and the foods pretty damn good.

3. I am not going to lie, not sure the last time I went to Timberlanes, but they cleaned that place up nicely.

4. Pull tabs are still a thing and I am here for it.

5. Why pay for 2 day shipping when snow messes it up and so far its 4 days late?

6. A 3 bar pub crawl with a bus included sounds silly as all hell.

7. Hulu has some new movie out, No Exit, and it is getting all these rave reviews. Its a very bad B list movie (this coming from someone who likes B movies).

8. Do people still say "getting your dick wet"? Oh cool.

9. When did everything become so politically charged? Like everything? Was it social media?

10. The new Batman movie comes out this Friday and I know people are not nearly as excited as I am for it.

11. March Madness will be back in a few weeks and man it feels like the world is slowly healing.

12. Is this Ukraine situation the start of WW3 or Cold war 2?

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