Saturday, April 4, 2009


Sorry about last week, I had some 'issues' with the truck. 'Issues' is actually code for I needed to get it inspected and it turned into an all day event. I would just like to thank my friend Habib The Mechanic for being so nice while screwing me at the same time. Tried to get a picture last week of Habib but the little fucker moved to quick....I'll give it another try today.

On to the hockey segment of todays program. It's put up or shut up time.....there are only a few games left before the playoffs start. Some teams are hot.......while others are not so hot and look to be eyeing an early exit from the playoffs.

Bruins - 7-2-1 in there last 10
Hurricanes and Penguins - 7-1-2 in there last 10
Sharks, Canucks, and Blues - all 7-2-1 in there last 10.

Not Hot:
Devils - 3-6-1.....what happened Mr Brodeur? You win your 500th and decide to pack it in for the rest of the year?
Red Wings - 5-4-1.....I'm guessing they are just resting a few guys I wouldn't count them out yet.
Flyers - 5-5-0...WTF guys. It's not just the record but you've looked horrible these past 2 weeks. 3 weeks ago I was seriously considering making you my pick to win the Eastern Conference. But now you are close to falling to the 7th seed and beeing bounced in the first round. GM Holmgren publicly called out the team this week and justifiably so...better get your act together real quick.

Only 2 Saturdays left in the regular season so we need to do a Year In Review for the video, next week will be a recap of the Ice Girls as well as some other 'interesting' photos I came across. So I have the video all qued up and ready to roll until I received an unfortunate message this morning. 'YOUR DOWNLOAD HAS BEEN FLAGGED BY PHOTOBUCKET FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT'......hmmmmm.....well I'm not sure exactly what is involved with 'Copyright Infringement' but I know it can't be good. So if I don't show up to work on Monday could somebody come bail me out of Federal prison? HAAAAAAA!

1 comment:

d said...

Great quality this week