Damn you David Garrard……..DAMN YOU!!! As soon as I saw the fumbled snap on the Jags first offensive play I knew we were in for a long day. I feel like Smidawgs after he runs into one of his lady friends that he never called back after a night of SmidLove! A slap across the face, a punch in the gut, and a kick in the balls. Yep, that pretty much sums it up. And just like Dr. Smidlove we will get right back on the proverbial horse and give it another try. Please Note: Just so we are clear the term ‘proverbial horse’ is an expression and in no way a reference to the size of Smidawgs ladies.
Well boys and girls as I’m sure you are aware, it was a rough week at Costanza Central and a rough week in the Land of Iggles! The McNabb Era is officially over! I know he is starting Thursday but the reality is it is OVER. No more puking, no more ‘fro, no more stupid jokes, no more black QB who tries not to be a black QB even though he is a black QB. For you politically correct people out there please replace ‘black’ with ‘athletic’ in the previous sentence…thank you. Next, we would like to apologize to those of you that have tried to call Costanza Central at (800) GO LATEX. I understand the urge to mock us at C.C. is irresistible. But we told you we weren’t feeling good about a Start of the Week. We aren’t here to make excuses…we made the call and it was wrong. So the calls into the phone banks are well deserved, but as most of you have figured out you couldn’t get through to a live person at C.C. We were so busy getting up and running after the move we never got the phone service lined up. Well, for those of you that did call, and trust me after the week we had (fucking David Garrard) the calls were coming in left and right, you know what happened. For those that didn’t call here is a video that will explain it better than I can...
So let’s move on people and put the past behind us. For the first time all year the Costanza Award was a no brainer. We would like to thank D St Dirtballs for making this week the easiest decision we’ve had all year. DIRTBALLS you are the week 12 winner of the Costanza Award. Donovan ‘I didn’t puke in the Super Bowl’ McNabb posting a ridiculous -3 points and Matt ‘Tom Brady Who?’ Cassel putting up another monster week with 44 points. Then on top of that your bench scored a respectable 114 points and your starters could only manage 59 points. DIRTBALLS you gave us no choice this week…congratulations! But that doesn’t leave the rest of you bastards off the hook. Smidawgs….now listen very carefully. Pittsburgh is the new Denver…their running backs cannot be trusted at any cost. Just move on and don’t look back you will thank me later. But Parker is not the reason you are getting mentioned here…….nope you can thank your boy Kevin Walter. 18.5 points is a lot to have on the bench when you’re trying to avoid the dress. The Roethlisberger benching didn’t help your cause much either. Now for our old friend Street Pharmacist….you’re damn lucky DIRTBALLS screwed

Things I’m Thinking…….
1. All jokes aside…..if a high school QB is lighting up the NFL like Cassel is can we really keep calling Tom ‘GOD BRADY’?
2. Thank you XM and Sirius. I really don’t care who bought out who. I’m just happy I get my Led Zepplin station and my Hair Nation station. I can drive all day listening to both of those.
3. Now listen up Atlantic Beer Garden! If you touch my coffee again there will be repercussions. The word ARSON is in my vocabulary. I’m pretty sure you’re insurance company will not look kindly on a new place burning to the ground. I’m just saying.
4. Bring in a virtual rookie in a close game on the road against a tough Baltimore defense. Really Andy Reid? Really? (deep breathes Mr. Iggles…..deeeep breathes)
5. Happy Thanksgiving everyone….even though I’m Atheist.
Stop the presses!

I think that’s it. It was a long weekend and I need some rest. Headed to Florida next week for 10 days but I think I can still get the posts up on the blog. Unfortunately the trip is for work but Mrs. Iggles will be joining me on Friday for a quick weekend getaway. I don’t want to start any rumors but there may be enough time for Mr. Iggles and Mrs. Iggles to officially tie the knot. We both love animals and getting married while swimming with the dolphins would be awesome. Also, Costanza Central is very excited that our favorite holiday of the year is right around the corner. So we may be doing a special edition on the blog starting December 1st. CAN’T WAIT!
Oh yeah one more thing. Last time I checked Thanksgiving Day is meant to be a day of giving thanks. Well in preparation I’d like to thank Vida Guerra’s parents for giving us this………….

Better luck next time LOSERS!
Getting Married while swimming with Dolphins?? You too Smidawgs Idea...Costanza a chump
Smidawgs is dead to me. He's not going to mess with one of my lady friends and think it's OK.
Smidawgs is dead to me. He's not going to mess with one of my lady friends and think it's OK.
TRADE BRADY..............Even a high school QB can run the Pats offense.
gonna be some tough weeks ahead
Hey costanza you dope- an atheist denies the existence of supreme beings or gods NOTHING TO DO WITH THANKSGIVING AT ALL.........
Thanksgiving day "to express thanks for one's material and spiritual possessions". Spiritual possessions sounds religious to us. thanksgiving day is not a recognized holiday on the Atheist Calendar.
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