Monday, October 21, 2019

Cs season starts

I haven't gotten my candy bars to give out yet. I may give out only butterfingers this year. Does anyone actually like that nasty ass candy.

This is what I learned this weekend:
1. Fantasy football is not fun anymore.
2. I envy these people who work from home and are always sitting in the sand somewhere.
3. Is anyone geared up for this Celtics season?
4. Vodka lemonade is my jam, try the Pink Whitney.
5. Always good to see people from High school who tell you that you look better the older you are.
6. My man Greg Hardy can't catch a break in the UFC.
7. Julie Nickerson is alive and still single ready to mingle.
8. Congrats to Chris M. Leaden on his new job, starting November 12th.
9. Fucking avacados are expensive.
10. Only a crazy person doesn't each chips with a sandwich.
11. It's heated seats season.
12. Also just for the record it is iced coffee season year round. I don't switch to hot coffee ever.

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