Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I got nothing

After smashing my fingers in a door jamb yesterday it is pretty difficult to type but I a, going to do my best.

This is what I learned this weekend:
1. I mean who doesn't like fudge?
2. Does anyone know why both my hammys hurt today?
3. I saw Chrissy eat $20 worth of Popeyes chicken in under 5 minutes.
4. Dear Red Sox I see what you are doing with the beer lines. By making them so long that people don't want to wait in them. Oh yeah the price increase sure didn't help.
5. Its always good to see Danny out.
6. I know it is Easter and all but when did it become mini Xmas? I know I say it all the time but what the fuck.
7. Cape Cod Beer now comes in cans. If you are down the cape pick me up some.
8. Baseball Tavern still has the cheapest beers around at $4.75.
9. The lines to get in to the bars were ridiculous yesterday. I mean $20 each to cut and get in ridiculous.
10. Are there any new games out there? Word with friends still rules but I am looking for something new.
11. Bacon wrapped beef tenderloin is the shit!
12. As an adult, what hurts more an ear ache or a tooth ache?
13. I don't care if you run it in 2 hours and 8 minutes or 8 hours and 2 minutes. Running 26.2 miles is quite an accomplishment.
14. Does anyone still get milk delivered to their house? 
15. Nothing quite like a dance off at a packed bar.
16. Chrissy told me that If I ever ran the marathon he would not be there when I crossed the finish line. What an asshole.

That is all for now.

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